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Week 2 Dq 2_Principles of retailing

Week 2 Dq 2_Principles of retailing

Q Review the article 24 Vending Machines You Won’t Believe Exist. After exploring the article and the information in Chapter 6 of your textbook, select two of the vending machines. Briefly explore the markets in which these two machines exist to gain an understanding of the consumer and the culture of that market. Thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to the following discussion questions: • Identify the type of retail classification for vending machine retailing. What methods are used by these retailers to attract sales? Do you think these methods are effective for selling these products? Why or why not? In responding to your peers, explain your response. • Choose a product not featured in the article or in your textbook that you feel might be appropriate for vending machine sales. In what location would you place this machine? Why do you think this product would sell well? Explain your response.

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The two vending machines selected by me are Pizza Vending Machine in Europe and The Hot Menu Vending Machine in Japan. Both give wholesome food and I believe it is worth it. Pizza is popular all over the world as well as Europe. The Hot Menu Vending Machine offers food items like fried chicken, squid balls and fish fillet catering the Japanese love for fish. Vending machine retailing falls under the card or cash operated retailing format. When I did some more research about the pizza vending machine I got to know that the machine actually whips the flour and adds the selected ingredients and gives out a freshly made pizza. This is definitely a huge takeaway.